zaterdag 29 maart 2014


The original concept was all about gathering the rain underneath the catcher. This gave us a lot of problems because the connections between the different barrels and the catcher itself are differnent with every barrel.

Our focus on this project is the simplicity of the product. The DIY-use is our main focus. With our current solution is very hard to think about one specific connection that fits with every barrel.

Another problem is the volume of the barrel. A standard barrel of 160 litres is to small and the cubic barrel of 1000 litres is way too big for 9 m^2. 

Because of all these problems we started thinking in slightly another direction. Now we want to create rainwatercatchers apart from the barrel. This means we can connect multiple catchers to the same barrel with some tupes or some hoses.

The pictures underneath show some solutions for the anchoring into the ground. 

 #1 : we put the catcher onto a tripod

 #2 : me make our product like a standard parasol, that way you can put the catcher in the hole in a gardentable.
#3: we fixate our pole into the ground with a standard metal anchor for fences. This is the most easy solutions, it's stronger than the others and very cheap.

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